In Production


* Animated family comedy
* UK/CZ Co-Production
* Scheduled for release in 2023/24
* 2D & 3D formats
* Scheduled for release in 28 countries

The Movie Profile on IMDB

  • In British-Czech co-production, we are producing the 3D animated feature film “The Drummer & The Princess”.
  • It is planned to premiere in 2023/24 and it will be released in 28 countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, and Japan.
  • The film was distantly inspired by “The Drummer”, a fairy tale by the Grimm brothers, but, instead of their dark and cruel story, this film is a family comedy that will entertain the widest possible audience of all generations above 4 years of age.
  • Our film will also be unique throughout the world in the fact that it will also help children in need.

©2022 Angels Pictures™. All Rights Reserved.

May 2022 - We Just Made History!!!

A sample of the current layout of our movie – released to fans to celebrate the great success of our experimental and multi-faceted teaser promotion campaign in the Czech Republic – our video is the most viewed Czech animation teaser/trailer of all time on YouTube! The whole story of the innovative and effective campaign is HERE...

The Czech Animation Movie Teaser / Trailer of All Time

(July 2024) on YouTube:






Kooky (EN)

Kuky se vrací (CZ)

Jan Svěrák



The Oddsockeaters (EN)

Lichožrouti (CZ)




Angels Pictures™ – as the first producer of a feature film in the world and in the history...

The development of the theme began in September 2014, when the project leader, Alex Pieter, started to work on the script. At the beginning, he was inspired by the thought to create a film for his children. That was quickly followed by the possible benefits that the fairy tale could have for children in need.

For this very reason, the intent of the project author, Alex Pieter, will be realized:

Angels Pictures™ Production shall donate 4% of all entrance fees in each country of cinematic distribution to local charitable organizations that provide help to children. Charities in each of the 28 countries in the planned release will be selected by the project leader.

As the first ever producer of a feature film in history.

This will always be adapted to the specific points of cooperation with individual charitable organizations in every country of cinematic distribution. Planned release in 28 countries.

VIP Program


Many actors, professionals, clients and partners have been inspired and impressed by the ideas of this project. They help us considerably, cooperate with us and support us Angels Pictures™ for the realization of the successful production of the film.

If you are interested in this project, if want to help with our innovative strategy to help children in need, and if you wish to cooperate on or support the production of “The Drummer & The Princess” film, please contact Mr. Petr Brych, CMO and Producer, to get more information about the huge potential of the project and the options for mutually beneficial cooperation.


CMO & Producer



The Movie Profile on IMDB


The animated family comedy (in 2D and 3D formats) is inspired by the less well-known story by the Brothers Grimm about veteran drummer Jack, who is coming back home from military service. After his return, he finds out about a princess who is under the power of an evil witch.


Princess Mia was kidnapped along with her sisters and taken to the top of an inaccessible Glass Mountain. The king has not been able to buy them back using his wealth, because it has been taken by the witches in every neighboring kingdom. The drummer decides to save Princess Mia and experiences great adventures.


He has to prove his courage and ingenuity when meeting giants, robbers, sisters with dark characters, and the witch and her widowed sister, the Duchess, who is greedy to get hold of a wealthy groom.

Jack will do anything in order to free and save Mia, with whom he has fallen in love. And just the same, she will do the same for him.


The 53rd Karlovy Vary International Film Festival

The promotional campaign for “The Drummer & The Princess” animated movie started at a press conference at the 53rd annual Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in July 2018. As a preview, journalists were presented with the promotional teaser by the creators from the Angels Pictures™ production company – Alex Pieter and Petr Brych, composer Daniel Barták, singer Tonya Graves and actor Jakub Kohák.

Then the media representatives were presented an overview of the entire project with emphasis on its unique and innovative form of charity assistance for children.

We celebrated!



  • The release of the promotional teaser was a huge success. Our team created a completely innovative marketing campaign for the Czech Republic. It was named “The Spites and Envy Promo”. Our goal was to raise interest (i.e. the goal of every filmmaker in the world) in our film, The Drummer & The Princess, through the teaser video. 

  • We purposefully modified the teaser with minor technical imperfections in motion capture in order to include humorous hyperbolic pop-culture references, like a famous scene with Arnold Schwarzenegger, to stylized the Drummer character in the “total” fearlessness of Chuck Norris, and the famous Czech singer Karel Gott demonstrated his professionalism, amazing perspective and a huge sense of humor in our teaser.

  • We wanted to go viral on social media in order to maximize the promotion of our previously unknown start-up project.

  • The creative promotional strategy was a huge success. It got people talking and sharing opinions including, it was an advertisement; it was a promotion; they have a sense of humor; they have style; they have perspective; that “someone finally does not take themselves so seriously”; and that this is a new style of promotion for the Czech Republic. This strategy required complete silence and inaction by Angels Pictures™ with ”denouncing the story” in the end of ”The Drummer and The Princess” teaser campaign.
  • Everything was supported by a massive PR campaign in the press, TV, media and the months of August, September 2018 was one of the most-watched themes in the Czech Republic.

The release was made by the creators from Angels Pictures™ no earlier than at the arranged interview, completely exclusively for, the most popular internet portal in the Czech Republic.       >>>>

It was a huge success. The end results were that, though we started with no awareness of the public, interest shot the teaser to second place on the YouTube popularity chart “The most-watched teaser/trailer for a Czech animated film of all time” – during mere 18 days, and it was just the first teaser!

Another innovative and creative promo will follow!

We do everything via our way, always with humor, passion for filmmaking,

with fun and not with a BORED habit, routine, like the any others... 😉

 Angels Pictures™ 

The Czech Animation Movie Teaser / Trailer of All Time

(July 2024) on YouTube:






Kooky (EN)

Kuky se vrací (CZ)

Jan Svěrák



The Oddsockeaters (EN)

Lichožrouti (CZ)





JIRI KLENKA - foremost Czech master of film sound. He has participated in the creation of sound for more than 50 feature films. During his career, he has received two prestigious “Czech Lion” awards in the “Best Sound” category (Kytice, Želary) and he was nominated four additional times. For this project, he is creating the complete sound design, which is much more complex for an animated 3D film than for a traditional human-actor-based film.

TONYA GRAVES - American singer and actress living in the Czech Republic. Born in Peekskill, New York. Moved to Prague in 1995. Apart from a number of awards and successes with the musical group Monkey Business, she has recorded two successful solo albums. She wrote the lyrics of “Time To Go” for our teaser, which she sang as well. She will star in one of the roles in the movie. 

DANIEL BARTAK – Czech composer, singer, actor and pianist. The creator of successful musicals, including Mephisto, a musical that received the Thalia award. He is a composer and producer in the Czech music business. He will create the musical component for “The Drummer & The Princess”. He is also the composer of the music for the first teaser, including the “Time to Go” theme song.

Press (CZ)